To Live Amongst Heroes by Doc Bell, 609 Squadron medic. It is a great story, starting from late 1943, through D-Day to the invasion of Germany. It has been signed by Doc Bell and 10 ex typhoon pilots from the squadron. They are : Joe Atkinson (also Flew Spitfires with the sqn from 1941), Ken Adam (of James Bond movies fame), Jim Stewart, Rik Dupre, Bill Billam, Albert La Force, George Jaspis, Jan Mathys, SD Linacre and Sqn C/O Pinkie Stark. The book has been Remarqued with an original pencil drawing of a Hawker Typhoon by Steve Teasdale, creating a highly collectable edition. The book is in mint condition.
Multi Signed & Remarqued Typhoons 609Sqn Hardback