This is a brand new 1991 hardback copy featuring the official story of The Doolittle Raid by Carroll Glines. This incredible one off book has been enhanced with two original drawings by Steve Teasdale. The drawings come with two genuine Doolittle raid signature’s professionally mounted underneath them. One is the portrait of Robert Hite, co-Pilot of Crew 16. The other is a drawing of the Crew 16 B25 called ‘Bat out Of Hell’. This features the rare signature of Crew 16 Bombardier Jacob De Shazer. Hite and De Shazer were two of only three survivors from that aircraft.
Each crew/plane, except plane 16/crew 16, circled around the USS Hornet after they took off. They flew over the deck of the USS Hornet to adjust the compass and the drift sight was lined on the white lines âinted on the deck of the USS Hornet.
59 minutes after crew 01 flew off the deck of the USS Hornet crew 16 took off. There was an accident during the take-off. A sailor named Robert Wall on board of the USS Hornet fell into a propeller standing on de slppery deck.
The weather was rough and stormy. When we got to the next-to-last bomber, Bob Wall was helping hold the plane's restraining ropes that had been untied from the deck. The ship's bow came climbing up the face of a big wave and as it started down the wave's backside, the bomber's nose wheel jumped up off the deck and sailor Robert Wall fell forward into a propeller. The gunner on the sixteenth plane climbed down and dragged sailor Robert Wall out of the way. The left arm was almost gone at the shoulder. A collection on his behalf was taken on board of the USS Hornet. He was presented $2,700. Bob Wall survived the accident and World War 2. He died on 19 September 2002 in Poway, California.
After dropping their bombs the plane flew direction China over the East Chinese Sea.
They jumped out of the plane near Nanchang, a Chinese city in Japanaese hands (28°41'25.0"N 115°53'18.9"E). Within one hour the complete crew of plane 16 was captured by the Japanese occupying forces in China. The touched the ground after bailing out in the Chinese Jiangxi province.
This crew never arrived in Chongqing, China.
Lieutenant William Farrow was executed on 15 October 1942. He was cremated. After the war he was reburied in Arlington, Virginia.
Sergeant Harold Spatz was executed on 15 October 1942. He was cremated. After the war he was reburied in Honomulu, Hawai.
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