This is an amazing version of this pretty scarce book. Brothers in Arms tells the story of two fighter units from the Battle of Britain on opposing sides (609 Sqn and 1/JG53). This large 1994 1st edition hardback has been signed on the title page by two Luftwaffe fighter pilots of JG53, one of whom (Julius Meimberg) has also signed on the page in the book where he is depicted. Meimberg finished the war with 53 victories. The title page has also been signed by Battle of Britain Spitfire pilots Jonny Freeborn, Clive Hilken (74sqn) & Ben Bennions (41 Sqn). The page has then been enhanced by a large original pencil drawing remarque of a 609 Sqn spitfire shooting down an Me110 by Steve Teasdale. If that isn’t enough, there are a further two large original portrait drawings in pencil of two of the 609 Sqn pilots mentioned throughout the book - John Bisdee and Michael Appleby. Both drawings on sepia recycled card with white highlights have the original mounted pencil signatures of the men depicted. This would be a stunning addition to any Battle of Britain collection with very relevant signatures and THREE original drawings. A special copy!
Amazing Multi Signed & Remarqued 609/74 Sqn Battle of Britain/ Luftwaffe Aces